Call Dave! (626) 688-7040​
World Famous Concrete Cutters and Core Drillers
Serving The Black Hills With Over 35 Years Experience
Call Cam! (909) 222-8842​
Contact Information
Location of job?
Is water & power on job?
120V, 240V, 480V?
Work hours:
Normal or afterhours?
Work conditions:
Interior or exterior?
Type of equipment for job:
Gas, electric, or hydraulic?
Quality, volume, thickness & size of work.
Is it cut / coring only or is removal required as well?
Is on site dumping of concrete or vacuum slurry available?
If work is above 5’, will equipment be available onsite?
Ladder, scaffold or lift
Method of payment and when?​
Layout of cutting & coring areas prior to our arrival.
Utilities must be marked & identified so we can avoid cutting or digging into them.
Not responsible for permits, barricades, traffic control, open trenches.
Not responsible for cutting or excavating of objects buried.
Cellphone (Recommended)
David: (626) 688-7040
Cameron: (909) 222-8842
CA Contractor License #1128816​